Hi, I'm Abhinav, I love to code. I am currently doing my Masters in computational data science at school of computer science in CMU. I love building and understanding things from scratch. And then telling others about it.
True genius requires an audience. I'm glad you are here.
I love to travel. I would love to visit Anatarctica. Also, my mom says I am cool.

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My Achievements

  1. Dr. Ing. Matthias Kleiner Gold medal: Overall performance in Academics, and contributions to the technical community.
  2. Linux Foundation Scholarship: 800 USD sponsorship to attend Open Source Summit 2019 in Japan.
  3. Google Summer of Code Mentor summit: $1000 travel grant to attend the summit at google California as the lead mentor.
  4. Achieved publication for the project "Regression based Motion Planning for Robot" in the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS), IEEE.
  5. My work on the SmartMe.io project was published in IEEE 28th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
  6. FOSSASIA Summit, Singapore: Received 600 SGD travel grant to present my work on the Open Event Project at the FOSSASIA Summit in 2018.